Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Linux 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (88)

Wolf Hoffman
2 min readDec 17, 2020

Originally published at

Here is an error I have been seeing all too often.

I primarily develop in the node.js ecosystem on a windows machine. I’m constantly struggling with issues that my linux and mac counterparts never have to deal with.

I recently switched to using windows subsystem for linux and many of these problems went away.

I also began using nvm and the two of these tools combined have fixed about 90% of npm issues I have had on my personal windows machine.

However, one issue I continue to see all the time. Let’s take a look at how we should be able to fix this.

Uninstall node-sass globally, clear the npm cache, and rebuild.

The first thing worth trying is: npm uninstall node-sass -g && node cache clean --force && node install node-sass

The reason is because you don’t actually need node-sass installed globally. If you have a different version installed globally than you do locally in your project, you could run into issues.

Because of this, it could be good to uninstall the global version, clean your npm cache (which you will need to use the --force flag for), and re-isntall node-sass locally.

After that try running npm rebuild node-sass.

Make sure you have a STABLE version of node and npm.

Because I now use nvm, I don’t necessarily know which version of node I am running at any given time. Read my article here to learn all about nvm and how you can check which version you are running and easily manage multiple node versions on your machine.

But one thing I have noticed is that I could be running the latest unstable/beta version of node. I want to make sure that I am running LTS (latest stable version).

I do that by running node -v.

I can use nvm and change the version by listing out my node versions on my machine:

nvm ls

If I find that I am running an unstable version or a version that Github issues or Stack Overflow issues show as problematic then I will just use the latest stable version.

As of November 2017 that would be

nvm use 14.15.1

I can run through the script earlier above or just try a npm rebuild node-sass and 98% of the time one or both of these solutions has helped me solve this error.

